Welcome to all Doctoral Candidates from all around the world!
Each year Luxembourg's Doctoral Education actors join their forces to warmly welcome new Doctoral Candidates starting their doctoral research in Luxembourg.
In order to connect with your peers, have fun and share your experience as a Doctoral Candidate here in Luxembourg, the following hashtag: #doctoralux has been created.
So let's use it and make it a great success!
Virtual Tookit Sessions
The 26th November we organise a virtual session more dedicated to practical informations and tools for your PhD. You will have the opportunity to exchange with professional from Doctoral studies and Doctoral associations on differents topics such as ECTS, well being, networking, specifics projects dedicated to Doctoral Candidates community...
Live Streaming Sessions 9:00 am | 11:30 am
All you need for your PHD!
Wellbeing & Networking for Doctoral Candidates
National Projects for Doctoral Candidates
Services for Doctoral Candidates
Look back on the Speakers
Look back on the presentation and Doctoral Candidates testimonials
The 28th October virtual sessions were totally dedicated to main presentations and testimonials from seniors Doctoral Candidates with a very successfull Q&A session.